The topic of this post has just made me chuckle because I just realised it's very confusing and ambiguous. But, don't worry, you'll know what it's all about right about now.
Yesterday I watched 3 movies and all these movies were brilliant. Well the first and last one, although the second one was great too. Earlier in the day I saw Woody Allen's latest film titled Vicky Christina Barcelona, then later on had a great 3D experience with the animated movie Bolt: 3D. The day finished on a high with the prepiere of Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman's new film called Australia. Here is what my thoughts are on all the 3 movies:
Vicky Christina Barcelona
It's an undisputed fact that Woody Allen is somewhat of a genius in his line of work, especially on the helm as a director. He's proven this fact once more on his latest outstanding piece of art that takes you through a memorable journey of his signature conventional and classic filmmaking. Boarsting a notable lineup of huge and well-accomplished names like Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz, Patricia Clarkson and Javier Bardem, Vicky Christina Barcelona delivers on aspects of quality filmmaking. The perfect combination of simple directing, great acting, interesting story, breathtaking scenery, engaging dialogue, an awesome wardrobe, and not forgeting to mention how sexy Spanish sounds rolling off their tongues, makes for breathtaking viewing and listening.
Set in Barcelona, in Spain, the story revolves around the lives of 2 American friends, Vicky and Christina (played by Rebecca Hall and Scarlett Johansson, respectively) in search of the meaning of their lives during a vacation in the beautiful city of Barcelona. They have no idea what is in store for them as they meet an attractive, suave and charming recently divorced painter Juan Antonio (played exceptionally well by Javier Bardem). Although Scarlett and Rebecca were wonderful in their respective performances, it is Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem that steal the show with their easy flowing, but flawed characters as a dysfunctional couple. The serious and some taboo topics tackled in the film are also done sensitively, yet in a candid manner. Vicky Christina Barcelona is one of the best films to come out this year and I wouldn't be surprised at all if the film is featured in the Academy Awards nominations for 2009.
Vicky Christina Barcelona opens at cinemas nationwide on the 02nd of January 2009.
Bold: 3D
John Travolta is back on the silver screen, not playing his usual macho-man roles, or as a made-up mother in a musical, but voicing a superdog in the new animated Bolt: 3D, completely done in 3-dimentional technology. Bolt is a dog starring in a successful fictional sci-fi/action television show who has no idea that his superpowers are not real. Completely oblivious to the fact that this is so far from reality, he learns the hard way as he tries to save Penny (played by the young Hannah Montana star Miley Cirus), his "human", from the wrath of the show's literal green-eyed monster. As his journey of discovery and quest to save the only friend he ever knew unfolds, he enlists the help Rhino the hamster and Mittens the bully cat, who both share dissimilar views to life.
This may sound like a broken record, but I'm not really an animated movie kind of person. However, the movie is enjoyable for its story and the 3D technology used in its creation. Moreover, the humour was quite impressive, especially Mark Walton voicing Rhino. I believe this role would have fit Jack Black very perfectly too, but Mark excelled in bringing the character to what it is. His one-line jab and enthusiastic and rather sinister look to life made the charater even more interesting. This animation should be great family viewing over the holidays. Even more so for the kids as they will gleefully revel in wearing the 3D goggles. Oh, and the duet in the end of the movie by John Travolta and Miley Cirus was not bad.
Bolt: 3D hits Ster Kinekor cinemas throughout the country the day after Christmas, 26th of December 2008
My evening was capped off with a premiere of Australia, an aptly titled movie showcasing country's history and landscape beauty. Leading the cast are Australian born actors Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, who couldn't have been the more perfectly cast as their on-screen chemistry shone through.
Australia looks at a part of the life of an English aristocrat who inherits a ranch full of cattle. With a plot by locals to take over the cattle station, she rides miles and miles with an edgy stock-man to avoid the takeover, only to face the bombing of Australia's Darwin province by Japanese forces who had bombed Pearl Harbour not long ago. Added with a witness of ugly Australian history where mixed-race children were outcast, she does her best to bring about change in the country that not only basks in their conventional stereotypes, but also their lack of prominent leadership.
Although a bit lengthly, 15 minutes short of 3 hours to be exact, Australia will keep you on the edge of your sit with it's riveting action. It will also keep you in awe because of its beautiful cinematography. In addition, the emotions that it evokes peek a magnetic interest to the story. That's why even though you will feel the length, but you'll not fall asleep or get bored. A lot of people have said that Nicole Kidman is not good at acting, but I feel she is a descent actress. I really enjoyed her range in her role in Australia, shifting from playfulness to being dramatic and everything inbewteen. It should also be notted that the chemistry between her and Hugh Jackman was very intense, thus resulting in a credible performance. Another highlight for me was the sterling performance of Brendan Walters, who played the coloured boy Nullah. He was so natural and believable in his character, telling a very important story in the history of Australia.
Australia is an absolutely lovely piece of work. And in many ways its history is very similar to that of South Africa. Even the landscape, I saw many places that reminded me of the remarkable scenes of beauty I have seen travelling around our very own country. If you have a keen interest in that and drama filled with comedic moments, you'll certainly enjoy Australia. the movie opens at Nu Metro cinemas around the country, also on Day Of Reconciliation, 26 December 2008.