Thursday 6 November 2008

Another filmmaking brilliance shown by the Coen Brothers.

If you have not heard of the Coen Brothers, where have you been hiding? They have directed some of the biggest and greatest films on the big screen. One of their outstanding works is the recent No Country For Old Men, which clinged 4 Oscars last year. Another memorable film I immensely enjoyed that they excelled in was a collage of short stories, adapted into a motion picture, called Paris je T'aime.

This past Tuesday I had a pleasure of experiencing their brilliance in their latest body of work titled Burn After Reading. The hilarious comedy is about 2 gym workers who come across sensitive ex-CIA memoir notes. They try to solicit or rather extort money in return of this information to the rightful owner. The chain of events that follow are presented in such clever, unique and witty humour. Brad Pitt and Frances McDormand plat the 2 gym workers. You see Brad Pitt in a way you have never seen him before. Frances is wonderful too, impressing me more after her awesome performance on Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day a few months ago. George Clooney's character is just as different, switching up his always charming and commanding role for more normal, and rather silly character. Another superhouse, John Malkovich delivers the goods too with his more calculated humour that's relayed in a tongue-in-cheek kind of fashion.

The story and the cast are so engaging, proving a winning formula in the selection of the actors blended with the screenplay. It seems the Coen Brothers rolled in the red capert in an impressive line-up that includes 3 Oscar winners and 2 Oscar nominees. On top of Frances and Clooney as Academy Award winners is the recent victor of the statuette, Tilda Swinton, who equally empresses in her role. I have to mention JK Simmons on the same breath too as he has become one of the most notable and sterling actors of our time.

Burn After Reading is a fantastic piece of work. The Coen Brothers have taken a serious subject and whimsically turned it into a joyous journey for the audience. The ability to draw out and inspire the actors to be so un-inhibited in their characters makes for a great gift too. This is definitely one of the best films to come out this year. Go out and see Brad Pitt, George Clooney and John Malkovich like you've never seen them before. Totally hilarious.

Burn After Reading opens at cnemas on the 09th of January 2009.

James Ingram, Angélique Kidjo, and Ray Phiri & Stimela added on MACfest bill

Music lovers, there is more instore for you! Organisers of the Mpumalanga Arts and Cultural Festival (MACfest) have added United States (US) star vocalist James Ingram, reigning queen of African song Angélique Kidjo and Mpumalanga native Ray Phiri & Stimela to the lineup of musicians that will perform at eMalahleni stadium (former @lantic Stadium) on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 November.

Previously announced and forming part of the lineup are US group Spyro Gyra, king of Afropop Oliver Mtukudzi, guitar maestro Jimmy Dludlu, South African songstress Simphiwe Dana, doyen of maskandi music Madala Kunene, Grammy-winning acappella jazz group Take 6 from the US, local singer Lira, male vocalist MXO from Port Elizabeth and vocal-guitar-bass-drum quartet 340ml from Mozambique.

I really wish I could be there. On top of one of my favourites, Take 6, I've always enjoyed James Ingram's music. His timeless music is always inspirational.

Please note that on both days, gates at eMalahleni stadium (former @lantic Stadium) will open 90 minutes before the music begins. There will also be ample secure public parking at the cricket and hockey club, off Lukin Street. Tickets for the festival are available from Computicket and Shoprite-Checkers stores. Tickets cost R150.00 for 1 day / R200.00 for 2 days.

Don't miss out on this intercontinental music explosion.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

The Mr. Bones sequel goes to Durban.

I've just returned from watching Mr Bones 2: Back From The Past, the sequel to the 2001 smash Leon Schuster comedy Mr. Bones. It takes a journey through Durban's Indian community like no other production has. Retaining the same style as its predecessor, Back From The Past is filled with the silly humour that many have grown to love from Schuster.

The make believe story follows the King of Kuvukiland, Hekule, who is given a precious gemstone that was stolen by a dying Kunji Balanadin, a chef to the voortrekkers who invaded their land in the 1870's. The white sangoma, who won the hearts of many in Mr. Bones, is the chosen one to rid his King of the spirit of Kunji, thus saving his King from the cursed stone. The Great one has commissioned Bones to return the gem to its home in an Indian fishing village.

It was great to see Mmabatho Montsho playing the Queen. Apart from her great portrayal of the Mother of the Nation, she's glowingly beautiful as usual. Please see our exclusive interview we did with her about 2 years ago, HERE. On the driving seat is still Gray Hofmeyr, who does a good job bringing the slapstick comedic presentations across to the audience. It may not be as funny as the original, but there are a few moments where you really laugh to your hearts content. I felt sad at the end when Schuster dedicated the movie in the memory of the late Bill Flynn. I commend Schuster for the sincere gesture towards his dear friend. I remembered how Mr. Flynn told me of his hopes to create at least one such movie a year when I interviewed him during the promotion of Running Riot. The interview is HERE.

We are scheduled for an interview with Leon Schuster this coming Friday. Please don't miss out on that, it will be published right here and on YEAHBO.DOT.NET.

Mr. Bones 2: Back From The Past opens at cinemas nationwide on the 27th of November 2008. It should be a good feat to accompany your summer holiday activities, especialy for the Schuster fans.

Congratulations to Barack Obama

Words cannot even begin to describe the feeling I had when it was revealed that Barack Obama had been elected the 44th U.S. President and the very first African American president in the history of America. It was the very same feeling of ecstacy, shock and elation we felt when Tata Madiba was elected the first democratic and black president in Mzansi in 1994. Winning by a landslide, this marks a glorious and historic milestone in the lives of Americans.

I immediately sent a few smses to a few friends of mine across the U.S. who I had been chatting with about the election race leading to this glorious occasion. I informed them of the jubilation expressed by Africans throughout the continent, including South Africa. They sent messages back and one of my friends who is in Austin, Texas proudly said, "He did it !! The world is smiling this day! Thank you for the well wishes and prayers my bhuti!!"

Yes, he did it. And that acceptance speech, WOW! What an inspiration! Congratulations to you, President Barack Obama. Your journey has just begun, we shall keep you in our prayers and thoughts and hope you restore the values, dreams and what means to be American, for your country. The Audacity Of Hope. You've shown us what that means.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Cell C Gospel Music Festival continues to soar

This past weekend I had the utmost pleasure of travelling to Bloemfontein, thanks to Cell C and the organisers of the Cell C Gospel Festival. We were whisked away in a mini-bus on Friday afternoon to witness the gospel music stars belt it out at the Bloemforntein leg of the popular music festival. The journey was one filled with lots of laughter, fun and pure entertainment as all the journalists shared different experiences.

On Saturday we woke up and enjoyed a sensational and traditional English breakfast in our 4-star lodge, then headed for Botshabelo a few hours later to revel in the sounds of worship from the musicians on the bill for the day. And enjoy we did. When we arrived, Botshabelo Sunrise was on stage, entertaining the audience with their smooth traditional gospel sounds. As more fans flocked in, the more energy was pumped into the life of the gospel, notably when a local gospel artist named Teboho greatly amused the audience with his unique blend of soulful music.

Keke, who I had wanted to see perform after hearing from a friend that he's an amazing artist, stomped into the stage and blew us away. Apart from his wonderful voice and inspirational messages, there was a sense of confidence and comfort in his set. The moves he made inspired my fellow journalists to get down too. It wasn't long until another legend, Paul Lechabala, provided his rendition of worship and praise through his awesome music.

A slight disappointment was the absense of Sechaba, who was featured on the line-up. That didn't wither the spirit of many though as Rebecca Malope made up for it with her sterling performance. It wasn't any different really from the other times I have seen the Queen of Gospel do her thing. She has the ability to command the stage, make it hers, in the process evoke an amazing energy from the audience. This energy is bounced between her and the audience in a rather natural and fluid manner. She's an entertainer of note, with the understanding of what it means to be a performer. As Rebecca was the headline act of the day, we made it back to our lodge where we cotinued with other festivities.

It was really an amazing experience which I will treasure and cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you to Mandla Motau and Cell C for making it possible. Oh, thanks Vinnie (media relations manager from Cell C), those goodie bags on our way back are fantastic, we appreciate everything you did to make our journey a stupendous one.

All roads lead to Umtata, for the Eastern Cape version of the Cell C Gopsel Festival on the 29th of November 2008. The tickets will be available at Shoprite shops soon. Go out there and have a blast, I did at another sold-out show this past weekend.

Monday 3 November 2008

Elizma chosen as Mzansi's favourite on So You Think You Can Dance

The young Capetonian has been crowned So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 dance queen by Mzansi after dancing for her life this past Saturday. The gifted dancer wowed the crowds as well as viewers at home, leading to Mzansi voting her their favourite dancer in the season finale of the reality dance show that delivered on its promise as a showstopper.

Unfortunatley I couldn't go to the show, and even missed the live broadcast, but from what I have heard, it was a smoking hot show, laced with an assortment of entertainment and endless fun.

Beating Thabiso, Ash and Kim, Elizma Wildschutte, also a former dancer for the late Lebo Mathosa, is now the proud winner of the competition, having walked away with the R250 000 prize that includes a funky Cherry QQ car, and R190 000 in cash. The obviously elated Elizma, according to the press release, uttered, "I'm so ecstatic! I'd like to thank South Africa for rooting for me; for voting for me; and for making me the winner tonight."

There we go, in a journey that has seen laughter, tears (both of joy and sadness), shock, intrigue and controversy, Elizma emerged victorious. She deserves every bit of the glory, she's an impeccable and immaculate dancer. She is now set to wow the country and the world, after proving she has what it takes to shine in this profession. It's amazing that our readers were on the money too. If you look at the poll on the right, 75% of the votes predicted Elizma would win, with Thabiso taking the 2nd spot. According to the press release, or if you saw the show on Saturday, you would know that Elizma took the top spot after a dance off with Thabiso. I wish I could have seen the show. I hope SABC1 have a repeat of So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 grand finale some time soon, I'd definitely not miss it this time. Mzansi talent is phenomenal.

All those that watched the show every Saturday and Tuesday since its debut, those that attended the elimination rounds, those that voted throughout the season, your support is greatly appreciated. We are waiting for Season 2 like hungry lions.

Latest Movie Reviews: Killshot, Son Of Rambow, The Longshots, and Body Of Lies

Last week I watched 4 movies that will be coming to your cinemas nationwide soon. On Tuesday I watched the thriller Killshot; on Thursday, the hilarious comedy Son Of Rambow as well as the inspirational drama The Longshots; and then on Friday the highly-anticipated Body Of Lies. Below are short reviews on all the 4 titles:

This is supposed to be Mickey Rourke's comeback movie, whose controversial antics had him blackballed from the film industry years ago. Killshot is based on a supposedly top-notch assissin, played by Rourke, alongside Diane Lane, whose new romantic comedy with Richard Gere titled Nights In Roadanthe is out at cinemas now. The story of the film is interesting, but the way it's told fails to grasp your attention. The casting may have not worked well too, Rourke isn't as convincing as an assassin, people who you would expect to do their job with utmost precision. This will probably dampen the hopes of a great comeback for him. I did enjoy the suspense and the twists though, as what happened next was not what you may have thought would happen. Perhaps Diane Lane's performance helped to make it more credible. Overall, this wasn't a thriller one would expect from such a movie subject. However, there were moments that took you in and peeked your interesting in knowing what will happen next. Killshot opens at Ster Kinekor cinemas next year, on the 23rd of January 2009.

Son Of Rambow

This movie will confuse you at first, if you just look at the title alone. Although there are elements suggested about what it may be about in the title, you will be surprised to learn about it as it progresses. It's basically about two boys, Will Proudfoot (played by Bill Milner), a straight-laced religious young man forced by the church to eliminate any worldy activities, including watching television; and Lee Carter (played by Will Poulter), a school bully who takes pleasure in being naughty and causing mayhem wherever he goes. Will has to leave the class whenever the students watch television for their history class, and Lee is kicked out of his physical science class because of his usual bad antics. That's how they meet, and as they show an interest in a Sylvester Stallone movie (this is where the Son Of Randbow connection comes in), they begin to forge an interesting friendship that teaches them a lot about relationships. The story of the two boys from 2 different tracks of life is an amazing one. The dialogue is hilarious, mostly from the Lee Carter, always belting out these clever and smart lines. The animations in some of the scenes reminds me a lot of Jack Black and Mos Def's Be Kind Rewind. Speaking of Mos Def, it's interesting that I compare this element of Son Of Rambow to that of Be Kind Rewind, because Son Of Rambow is directed by Garth Jennings, who was on the helm of another Mos Def film The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Anyway, this movie will give you tons of laughs. Son Of Rambow opens at cinemas nationwide on the 14th of November 2008

The Longshots

The Longshots boasts a cast of some of my favourite actors, or should I say actresses. Ice Cube stars alongside the young Keke Palmer, who annoyed you with her character on Tyler Perry's Madea's Family Reunion and made you cry and fall in love with her on Akeelah And The Bee alongside Angela Bassett and Laurence Fishburne; Tasha Smith, an extremely talented actress who stood out on another Tyler Perry project, Why Did I Get Married?; as well as the sassy and beautiful Jill Maree Jones, who outshined the other characters before leaving the successful sitcom Girlfriends. I'm glad I didn't read up on The Longshots before I watched it because I don't think I would have been objective as I watched the movie. I quite liked the story about the first-ever female quaterback, in an all-male team, to professionally play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history. Although emotions were evoked, the slow pace of the film took away from the thrilling nature that's normally attached to a sport movie. Perhaps that's how the director wanted it, to be different from other sports movies, but I feel that's a disantantage that could have been avoided. The cast gave great performances, especially Keke Palmer, the young lady who plays the lead. The Longshots is enjobale enough and will touch you, an attribute that works in most films based on a true story; but falls short of really entertaining you throughout. The Longshots opens at Ster Kinekor cinemas on the 6th of February 2009.

Body Of Lies

Leornado Di Caprio is back on the big screen with his protrayal of a CIA operative on Body Of Lies, also starring Russell Crowe. Ridley Scott is on the helm of Body Of Lies and doesn't disapppoint one bit with his witty, yet crisp film making. The film is based on Washington Post columnist David Ignatious' 2007 novel about a CIA operative who uncovers a lead on a major terrorist leader suspected to be operating out of Jordan. Although Di Caprio played his role very well as Roger Ferris, I was more impressed with Russell Crowe's performance, playing the role of Roger's boss, Ed Hoffman. He played the character with admirable flair, a great sense of comfort, even with a touch of unnerving arrogance. Di Caprio and Crowe played off each other very well, which created an intense chemistry between the two, resulting in a sterling performance. Another standout performance came from Mark Strong, playing Hani, the prime minister of Jordan. His understanding of his character came forth very strongly. Ridley Scott is an amazing director, combining that with the right mixture of actors, and an equally rich story, Body Of Lies delivers on all aspects. Body of Lies opens at Nu Metro cinemas this Friday, 07 November 2008.

Check these titles when they come out at cinemas nationwide, two this month and the other two, early next year.