Friday 20 February 2009

The Reader makes for compelling viewing.

Over the past few weeks I've posted about a number of movies that are amongst the front runners in the upcoming Oscars. We are two days away from the Academy Awards where we will learn which ones take the golden statuettes. Yesterday afternoon I had a pleasure of watching one more movie that stands a very good chance, in a least 2 of the 5 categories it has been nominated in.

The Reader
stars Kate Winslet, who was given a double victory when she won Golden Globes for both The Reader as a supporting actress as well as the leading actress on another masterpiece of hers with Titanic co-star Leonardo Di Caprio, Revolutionary Road. Also on the bill is Ralph Fiennes, who has proved time and time again an indisputed talent. The acting from both parties is superb. Even the young actor, David Kross shows us a great deal of talent as the young Michael Berg (played by Fiennes in the older years).

The story was also quite different and refreshing. In summary, Hanna (Winslet) carries on a tumultous affair with a teenager schoolkid, Michael (Kross, and later Fiennes), that end with both parties heartbroken, moreso, the young Michael. They get an opportunity to re-unite later when Hanna stands trial for heinous crimes by the Germans against the Jews, in which Hanna is one of the accused and Mike a law student doing his practicals. Although he gets a chance to avail himself, re-unite with his old flame, and possibly help Hanna get acquitted, he decides against it. When both eventually re-unite, the obvious regrets for leaving things the way they were are revealed.

It's a story about love, about tragedy, about morality or the lack thereof, and ultimately the dynamics between men and women and their differences. It's a very heavy film because of its sombre nature. You do get annoyed at their actions, but also at the same time sympathise with both thier flawed characters. It was really compelling viewing, from start to finish.
The fine acting on display alone makes for an amazing film.

The Reader opens at cinemas in Mzansi on the 27th of March 2009.

Be sure to check it out when it releases. In the meantime, check out the Oscars on Sunday to see which films are deemed the best for this year. I'm rooting for The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (especially for Teraji P. Henson), The Reader, Slumdog Millionare and of course The Dark Knight because I really want the late Heath Ledger to make history (he's always be among my all-time favoutite actors).

Wednesday 18 February 2009

The Confessions Of A Shopaholic possesses charm

Another chick flick is on the way in the form of a new book-turned-movie Confessions Of A Shopaholic. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to see it, but was I glad I decided to. It's seldom that you watch that type of movie and be in stitches the whole way through, especially for a guy. From beginning to end, it possesses this air of charm about it and surprisingly fun to watch.

Partly based on the book with the same title, Confessions Of A Shopaholic looks at a period in life of Rebecca Bloomwood, a young fashion slave who works as a journalist. When she gets fired, she gets into trouble because she doesn't have money to satisfy her addiction for high-end fashion. Instead of slowing down, as her best friend Suze would like nothing more, she gets herself more and more into debt, with utter denial of her current financial debt. She soon mistakenly ends up writing a column for a financial investment magazine where all hell breaks loose.

Confessions Of A Shopaholic is funny and extremely enjoyable, thanks to Isla Fisher's charm, wit and smarts. Although she makes these dumb mistakes, you cannot help but love how she has a recovery plan for each and every one of them. Even though some of those mistakes have a much deeper impact in her friendships, family and love life, she manages to salvage those relationships just in time. It's refreshing to be able to watch a movie and laugh out loud almost throughout the whole experience. I believe this is a breakout role that will see Isla Fisher reach the status of the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hathaway and other actresses of the same breath.

For all shopaholics, you will see a little bit of you in the movie and learn so much about spending your money. I have to mention ex-basketballer John Salley's character was hilarious, it was kind of weirdly funny seeing him playing such a role. Confessions Of A Shopaholic opens at cinemas nationwide on the 13th of March 2009.

Metro FM turns up the HEAT!

Set to send the crowds fanning themselves with excitement, on Saturday, February 21 at 11h00 the METRO FM Heatwave will blow up steam at Innis Free Park, Sandton with a sizzling line-up of artists.

On the bill will be performances by METRO FM MUSIC AWARD winners Rhythmic Elements (who scooped both the highly-coveted Song of the Year as well as Best Dance Album awards), Best Hip-Hop nominee, JR as well as performances by Brickz, Theo Kgosinkwe, former member of the multi-award-winning Mafikizolo. In addition, METRO FM's very own DJ Fistaz and DJ Nutty will take on the wheels of steel in a live outside broadcast.

With ticket prices for this party-to-end-all-parties priced at only R100, the Jozi masses will no doubt be flocking to Innis Free Park to make sure that METRO FM's Heatwave 2009 is where they're at. Tickets are available at Computicket only. No tickets will be sold at the gate and no bottles will be allowed.

The METRO FM Heatwave is held to honour recent METRO FM Music Award winners and nominees - as well as to thank loyal fans and listeners who voted for them - this annual series of events is now in its fourth highly successful year.
The next action-packed leg of the Heatwave 2009 will take place in Durban on February 28.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Win with Changeling!!!

Angelina Jolie teams up with world-renowned and top-notch director Clint Eastwood on their latest film, Changeling. With the movie receiving much-deserved buzz for this year's Oscars, you know it's another amazing work from these two A-listers. Please click HERE to see the review I did just last week after seeing the movie a few weeks back.

opens at cinemas countrywide this coming Friday, 20 February 2009. With absolute pleasure, United International Pictures (UIP), together with YEAHBO.DOT.NET are giving away 5 Changeling hampers containing the following movie memorabilia:

- 5 The Compact Journal with a faux leather bound cover with lined paper and is embossed with the title treatment. (please see first picture above)
- 5 The Precision Roller Ball Pen, which is brown and is engraved with the title treatment. (please see second picture above)

All you have to do to walk away with the above prize is answer the following simple questions:

1). Name at least one category Cangeling is nominated for at this year's Oscars.

2). What is Angelina's character's name in the movie?

Send your answers to, together with the following details:

Name and surname;

Contact number;

E-mail address;

Your age;

The city where you live; and

Tell us how you learnt about

Good luck.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button is a rich and exceptional tale

Over the past few weeks I've had a pleasure of seeing films that have won numerous industry awards and ultimately becoming front runners for this year's biggest pictures at the Oscars to take place shortly. Finally, I was able to watch The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button yesterday afternoon. The Gary Finch-directed film happens to lead the 2009 Academy Awards with an impressive 13 nominations (just 1 nod shy of historic Titanic), including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for leading man Brad Pitt, Best Writing for screenwriter Eric Roth, as well as Best Supporting Actress for groudbreaking acting showcase from Teraji P. Henson.

Based on a true story, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button is an epic story of a man who ages backwards. Born in a body of an 80 year old man, Benjamin Button (played by Brad Pitt) grows backwards as we see different eras in his life from old age, to middle age, to young adulthood, to teenager, as ultimately to infancy just before he dies. Gary Finch takes us through a captivating journey of Button's experiences, good and bad. Done in an immensely emaculate manner, the richness of the story permeates through the well-synchronised parts to the whole tale.

The acting is exceptional, thanks to Brad Pitt's comfortability in displaying the troubled, yet content character. His ability to fit into each and every period of his life as Button, from the 80 year old man to his teenage years (although there was help from other stand-ins and CGI animation technology), is marvellous. Brad is not the only one who delves into the inner emotions to bring forth a credible and well-developed character. Cate Blanchett, as always, takes her role and plays it with such flair and poise. As much as Cate Blanchett shows her awesome acting chops, Teraji P. Henson steals the show with her sterling and outstanding portrayal of Button's adopted mother. I had heard and read about her performance being dubbed a groundbraking one, and after seeing her dig deeper into her strength as a woman, mother and a nurturer, I've got to say she really deserves the hype and the nomination she garnered for her role in this film.

Speaking of the hype, I'm not show why Tilda Swinton is not getting any for her role here because she was also on a class of her own, reminding me of the great work she has done on movies like Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian (which is where I took notice of her great acting ability), Michael Clayton (a film that won her a Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 2007), and Burn After Reading (I believe the first time she acted on the same set with Brad Pitt). Mahershalalhashbaz Ali also plays his part very well as Queenie's (played by Teraji P. Henson) husband. He reminded me why I enjoyed his performance on the supernatural series The 4400, making an impression on me as one of the great black actors there is.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
is an amazing piece of work. Not just the story, but the manner in which it is told, the people telling it, and the director's simple way of conveying the different characters and their experiences. Although it's almost 3 hours, there is never a dull moment as you get engaged and want to know what happens next. I appluad everybody involved because it's no mean feat holding a viewers attention for such a long time, and do it successfully.

Even though Teraji P. Henson has some really tough competition in the Supporting Actress contest at the Oscars, I'll be rooting for her all the way. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button opens at Mzansi cinemas nationwide on the 27th of February 2009.