Tuesday 2 September 2008

The Spinners have still got what it takes.

On Friday and Saturday, after the fashion shows, I headed to Newtown to see some of the shows scheduled for this year's Standard Bank Joy Of Jazz Festival. Amongst some of the artists I saw were RJ Benjamin, Simphiwe Dana, ASA, Doc Powell, Roy Ayers, and of course, The Spinners, who happened to be the highlight for me. I saw them on both the nights and they gave equally energetic and dynamic performances. The interaction with the audience, the dancing, the music itself, what a memorable experience. It got me thinking, if such old tymers can do that and keep performing and giving such great music, why is it the younger generation of groups and bands never last? I posed this question to Bhubesi when I saw him at the Ephymol fashion show and he told me that these guys did music for the love of it, that's why they have the staying power. What are your thoughts? Oh, Simphiwe Dana deserves a mention too, that woman bowls me over every time I see her perform. She has such a powerful voice, you just stand or sit there in amazement.

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