Thursday 4 September 2008

Tyrese following in Will Smith's shoes

I just came back from watching an action thriller film called Death Race. I wouldn't want to give too much away, but just know that it's entertaining and has one of my favourite singers/actors Tyrese Gibson. The last time I saw him was on Transformers. He stars alongside British action man Jason Statham on Death Race and he did his role justice. Think 2 Fast And 2 Furious meets Transformers, but more gruesome. The movie also has a video game feel and car racing fans will definitely get into it .

Tyrese is well on his way to being an action star himself, what with Will Smith mentoring him (he has just been announced to play black superhero Luke Cage on the movie with the same name due for release some time in 2009). He also has 2 other movies releasing next year, including the Transfomers sequel, Revenge Of The Fallen. He seems to be busy, he did say he was giving music a break to focus on his acting career, afterall. I'm certainly looking forward to what he brings out on his future projects, including his music projects.

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