The day is finally here!!! Transformers: The Revenge Of The Fallen is at cinemas countrywide as from today, 24th June 2009. Go and check out the blockbuster, you won't be disappointed.
I have some good news for all my readers and subscribers. YEAHBO.DOT.NET and our great friends at United International Pictures (UIP) have a treat for all the Transformers franchise fans. We have a humongous hamper to give away to the first person that answers the below questions correctly. The hamper includes the following movie memorabilia:
- 1 Transformer 2 Autobot Decepticon Branded Umbrella with the title treatment on the front.
- 1 Transformer 2 4 way USB Port Size with the title treatment on the front
- 1 Transformer 2 Circuit Board Note Book
- 1 Transformers DVD
- 1 Transformers Game
- 1 Transformers 2 Soundtrack
- 1 Transformers Figurine
1). What is Shia LeBouf's name in Transformers?
2). Who voices the character of Jazz in the movie?
2). What colour is Shia LeBouf's character's car that turns into a robot called Bumblebee?
Send your answers to yeahbo@yeahbo.net, together with the following details:
Name and surname;
Contact number;
E-mail address;
Your age;
The city where you live; and
Tell us how you learnt about YEAHBO.DOT.NET or yeahbodotnet.blogspot.com.
Good luck.
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