Apologies for taking this long to do a write up on this, I was waiting for a few snaps to go with the piece. Anyway, Speakerscorner invited me to the Heineken Greenroom Sessions last Thursday. It was once more, one of those parties where out of a blue, there is a surprise international act on the bill to entertain the guests for the night. They did it last year where Kelis was the headline act at the temporarily-built dome in Constitution Hill. Some time this year in Durban, Kelis' husband Nas was the main attration for another of their sessions. Thursday night was Sean Kingston's turn to wow the revelers at Johannesburg City Hall.
We were treated to endless dosages of finger foods, and the flowing alcohol, including tons and tons of Heineken, of course. The beautifully-paired Kim Engelbrecht and Stoan Seete made for amazing comperes. Gang Of Instrumentals opened the performance bill, followed by the ever-entertaining HHP, who was joined on stage by ProVerb. Their performances were great, only the sound disappointing as we could hardly hear the words said or sung on the mics. DJ Ready D had played his part as he spinned some of the biggest hip hop and R&B songs earlier on.
After the local acts had performed, I spoke with Raksha Singh, who works for Speakerscorner and a representative for Heineken (she handles their account). I asked her what else was in store for the night. She couldn't tell me, no matter how hard I tried to quizz her. She eventually gave the following clue: he's a very popular dance-hall artist. I quickly blurted, Sean Paul. She said it was not Sean Paul. She continued with the clues: he's very big (bodywise). At that instant, I didn't think it would be Sean Kingston, maybe because I've never really been a fan. Only later when he made it into the stage that I thought, actually, I got the first name right, lol. Sean Kingston's performances was not bad, but not impressive either. He belted out all the popular songs he has come to be known for, even attempting a John Legend song (Ordinary People) with one of his backing vocalists on the lead.
The overall atmosphere was awesome though. I haven't been to a party that I had so much fun in, in a long time. The energy, the people, the ambience, were all just right. I got to re-unite with friends and people I know that I haven't seen in a while. It was also celebrity galore, from musicians to tv personalities, to comedians, to actors, to fashion designers, etc. it was really a great night. Heineken sure knows how to entertain their guests and consumers, and Speakerscorner know just how to put together a great party or an event for that matter. Thanks ladies. And Melanie, it was great seeing you, the U.S. was good to you in the past few weeks you were there, next time tuck me into your luggage, lol. Thanks for the invite Raksha.
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